Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
MR 3.7 Maya2009 Key features

Maya 2009 Key Features & Enhancements
• Fully integrated mental ray 3.7 core: The integration of the mental ray 3.7 core provides the following enhancements:
– Motion-dependent Displacement: It is now possible to control displacement while motion blurring, improving render times for motion blurred scenes, while producing a more realistic result.
– Improved, Adaptive Tessellation for Catmull-Clark Meshes: Catmull-Clark Meshes are now adaptively tessellated at render time. This produces better displacement maps with render time mental ray subdivision surfaces.
• Streamlined Multi-Camera Rendering with mental ray: Multi-camera renders in mental ray are optimized though the re-use of pre-computed elements, reducing the penalty for multi-camera rendering and making the production of stereo films more viable.
• Native Render Proxy Support: Render Proxies (also known as mental ray assemblies) can now be natively rendered from within mental ray for Maya as well as through mi file rendering with mental ray standalone 3.7, yielding performance gains in multiple ways.
• mental ray Volume Rendering Enhancements: A new intersection engine for volume shaders eliminates artifacts where two or more different types of volumes intersect, without the need to use Auto Volume feature that is specific to ray tracing. Volume types such as Fur, Light Fog, Particles and Fluids to be rendered together without artifacts using scanline or rasterizer rendering for improved render speed and memory usage.
• High Quality, High Performance Global Illumination: Irradiance particle
support and algorithm improvements to enable a higher degree of physically correctness; 'one button click' renderings with select tuning capabilities and automatic adaptivity.
• Built-in Ambient Occlusion Support: Built-in ambient occlusion algorithm with caching capabilities provides an alternative to shader solutions for animations.
• Fully integrated OpenEXR library: No longer an external component, the OpenEXR library supports “windowing” capabilities of the format used in the renderer, as well as improved multi-channel support.